"Rune" wrote:
> I most likely have missed this, but where can I
> find a recent list of known bugs?
Hmm, no reply.
Without such a list I find it difficult to keep track on all the known bugs,
which ones have been fixed mean-while, which ones are still there, etc.
Currently there's a lot of messages that goes like "this bug is still there
in beta X". This could better be avoided if there was a list of known bugs
where beta testers could see that the Team is aware of the fact that this
and that bug haven't yet been fixed in the newest beta.
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated June 26)
POV-Ray Users: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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